Exam Strategies
Exam Strategies to get the Best Performance.
- Spend 5 minutes reading your exam.
Classify each Question in (E) Easy, (M) Medium, and (D) Difficult.
(E) Easy: If you know a fast solution.
(M) Medium: If you know a long solution.
(D) Difficult: If you don't know how to solve it.
PS: Reading your exam, your brain focuses only the necessary information required to solve it.
- Be confident by solving first the easy questions and after the medium questions.
Start with easy questions slowdown your anxiety.
- Get self-confidence checking each solution.
In average, you only need 30 seconds to test a solution. Be creative.
- Don't waste too much time on a question even if you know how to solve it.
Instead, skip the question and put a circle around the problem number to work on it later.
- In average, the easy and medium questions take half of the exam time.
At this time, you already guarantee a minimum grade.
Now, you are much more confident and motivated to solve the difficult or skipped questions.
- Be patient, take your time, and try not to leave the exam early.
Use the reminder time to double check your solutions.
Prof. Patrick Chevalier